Our Charities
Intrepid Inspections donates $1.00 for every completed inspection to charity. In February, 2014, we started the Charity of the Month program.
The Charity of the Month will receive 50% of the proceeds for that month.
For more information on the organizations we’ve sponsored or to nominate a Charity of the Month, send emails to: requests@intrepidinspections.com
*Intrepid Inspections LLC donations are exclusively made to registered tax-exempt organizations as designated under United States Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c).
Charity of the Month for February 2025
The Pam Foundation
Previously Supported Charities:
4 Paws for Ability: www.4pawsforability.org
A Better Jamaica: www.abetterjamaica.org
Achilles International: www.achillesinternational.org
Against Malaria Foundation: www.againstmalaria.com
American Lung Association: www.lung.org
Angel in Action Rhode Island: www.angelinactionri.org
Anjellicle Cats Rescue: www.anjelliclecats.com
Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors: wildlifewarriors.org.au
Autism Speaks: www.autismspeaks.org
Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC: www.bigsnyc.org
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation: www.bcrfcure.org
Cabrini College: www.cabrini.edu
Camp Tohkomeupog Scholarship Fund: www.tohko.com
Cancer Research Institute: www.cancerresearch.org
CARE: www.care.org
Casey House Youth Shelter: www.211wny.org/provider/2104/
Center for Food Action: www.cfanj.org
Children's Health Fund: www.childrenshealthfund.org
Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation: www.childrenscoloradofoundation.org
City Harvest: www.cityharvest.org
Citymeals on Wheels: www.citymeals.org
Community Food Bank of New Jersey: cfbnj.org
Connecticut Food Bank: www.ctfoodbank.org
Dancing Dreams: www.dancingdreams.org
Dignity On Wheels: www.dignityonwheels.org
Direct Relief: www.directrelief.org
Doctors Without Borders: www.doctorswithoutborders.org
Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen: www.deskct.org
Education Through Music: www.etmonline.org
Epilepsy Foundation of Texas: www.eftx.org
Fallen Heroes Fund: www.fallenheroesfund.org
The FDNY Foundation LT. Robert B. Cruz Children's Scholarship Fund: www.fdnyfoundation.org
Feeding Westchester: www.feedingwestchester.org
Food Bank of the Hudson Valley: foodbankofhudsonvalley.org
Food Bank for New York City: www.foodbanknyc.org
Franciscan Children’s - franciscanchildrens.org
Fred's Team: www.fredsteam.org
Friends of the Poor - Scranton: friendsofthepoorscranton.com
The FSH Society: www.fshsociety.org
The Fund for Public Schools: www.fundforpublicschools.org
Habitat for Humanity: www.habitat.org
Heart and Soul Animal Rescue of Long Island: www.heartandsoulanimalrescue.com
Health for Youths: www.health4youths.org
Heart of Dinner: www.heartofdinner.org
Hellen Keller International: www.hki.org
Hire Heroes USA: www.hireheroes.org
Houston Food Bank: www.houstonfoodbank.org
Island Harvest: www.islandharvest.org
Kew Forest School: www.kewforest.org
LaGuardia High School: www.laguardiahs.org
Lancaster County Food Hublancasterfoodhub.org
The Laura Foundation: www.thelaurafoundation.org
Long Island Cares: www.licares.org
Materials for the Arts: www.materialsforthearts.org
Meals on Wheels America: www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org
Meow Parlour Cats: www.meowparlour.com/nonprofit
Mercer Street Friends: mercerstreetfriends.org/food
The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research: www.michaeljfox.org
Moms Making Moves: www.momsmakingmoves.org
Montgomery County Animal Care and Control: https://mcgtn.org/animal-control
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation: www.firehero.org
National Organization for Disorders of the Corpus Callosum: www.nodcc.org
Neighbors Together: www.neighborstogether.org
No Kid Hungry: www.nokidhungry.org
NYRR Team for Kids: www.runwithtfk.org/Donate
Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary: www.ofsds.org
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network: www.pancan.org
PAWS Chicago: www.pawschicago.org
Pediatric Cancer Foundation: www.pcfweb.org
Pelotonia - Ride to Benefit Cancer Research: www.pelotonia.org/about.money
Philabundance: www.philabundance.org
Practice Makes Perfect: www.practicemakesperfect.org
Project 150: www.project150.org
Project Hand Up: www.btcsundaymeal.com/project-hand-up.html
Publicolor: www.publicolor.org
Pure Energy Velo with a special donation to Bike Lambertville
Red Hook Initiative: www.rhicenter.org
Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York: regionalfoodbank.net
Riverside Park Conservancy: www.riversideparknyc.org
Sacred Heart Southern Missions: www.shsm.org
Scruffy Paws Animal Rescue: scruffypawsanimalrescue.org
Second Harvest Food Bank- South Louisiana: no-hunger.org
The Seeing Eye: www.seeingeye.org
Southeastern Guide Dogs: www.guidedogs.org
Special Olympics: www.specialolympics.org
St. Ann School: www.stannschoolnyc.org
St. Louis Children’s Hospital: www.stlouischildrens.org
St. Mark’s Food Pantry: www.stmarkswarwick.org
Teak Fellowship: www.teakfellowship.org
Team for Kids: https://www.runwithtfk.org/Profile/PublicPage/91922
The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County: www.foodbanklfc.org
The Izzy Foundation: theizzyfoundation.org
The Toby Project: www.tobyproject.org
The Tomorrow Fund: www.tomorrowfund.org
Toys for Tots: www.toysfortots.org
Ukulele Kids Club: www.theukc.org
United for Puerto Rico: www.unidosporpuertorico.com/en
West Hartford Little League: http://westhartfordlittleleague.com/
West Side Campaign Against Hunger: www.wscah.org
Whole Planet Foundation: www.wholeplanetfoundation.org
Willis Eye Project: www.willseye.org/giving​
World Central Kitchen: www.wck.org
Wounded Warrior Project: www.woundedwarriorproject.org